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Six tips for creating a meaningful and successful life

October 18, 2018

Here are six tips for you to consider not only how to develop a successful life but also one that has meaning for you.

1. Get a clear Vision of your future:

Everyone needs a vision, not just the business fraternity and those professional guys! Unless you know what it is you desire to create, achieve, experience or develop in life then chances are life will happen to you. Get clear on what it is you want to do, your calling in life, it’s the stuff that comes from inside and has been yearning to express itself for ages, and it won’t go away! If you can’t get clarity, then work with someone who can help you.
So Key tip One – Get clarity of a Vision on what your future life desires to be for you personally, professionally or in business!
2. Become a ‘yes I can’ thinker and speaker:
Develop your mindset to a ‘can do’ attitude and away from one that’s ‘I can’t, it’s too difficult, I don’t know’. Your words and thinking have an energy that reinforces your psychology every time you speak whether it’s positive or not so positive language. It’s the self-fulfilling prophecy - what you say is what you get!
So key tip Two - develop success thinking and speak only the best outcomes!
3. Get off your rusty dusty - take action:
You can read, watch and learn as much as you like but unless you take action nothing is going to happen for you. Our mind will play tricks on us and create some of the most amazing resistances known to man. It will trigger behaviours, emotions, feelings and thinking that will happily justify you not acting. Everyone experiences the challenge of mental resistance so move out of the 99% who wont, to the 1% who do! Push through and achieve!
So key tip Three – develop the habit of persistently taking action and keep going!
4. Get your belief and faith up there:
You can speak it but unless you believe it, it’s not going to happen for you! The mind resistance sabotages most of humanities dreams and passions. Yet when we hold the strong energy of belief in what it is we are creating or doing, whether its personal or business, the magic occurs. Believing in your decisions and having faith in them creates a life flow of success.
So key tip Four – Develop the faith and belief in yourself and your visions, they are waiting for you!
5. Let it go:
Yes, that’s what I said, ‘Let it go’ and not singing the song from the film Frozen! This is the big difference between those who are truly successful and live meaningful and amazing lives or businesses compared to those who don’t. By letting go we release the need to control the attachment to the outcome and for it to be exactly as we think it should be. It releases the emotional and energetic connection enabling successful actions to occur. Constantly ‘letting go’ opens people to experience deeper connections with the More of life, some call spiritual!
So key tip five – Let go of the outcome and need to control everything.
6. Stop chasing success
Sorry just had to add this from the list of many. Most chase success in the belief it will bring them something or give them something, money, status, promotion, attention, wealth, privilege and nice stuff! It is coming from a place of lack and as like vibration attracts to like vibration, it keeps people stuck! They seek to become satisfied from extrinsic motivation rather than living and working from their internal values and expression. When you do what you love with meaning and purpose success naturally occurs.
So key tip Six – Listen to your inner calling and follow its prompting/gut feeling. No need to push life, learn to flow with it and you will succeed.

Roy Martin MBE has been helping people transform themselves for over twenty years, guiding and mentoring them to develop lives and businesses that have meaning and purpose. He helps people gain focus and direction to follow their inner calling and talents whether that’s personally, professionally or in business.

Roy teaches life with a spiritual understanding, the 'More of Life' that transcends the mind and the ego needs. He helps people connect with their inner guide, talents and skills to live their life that has meaning and purpose. By following their calling in life, most find what they do, has an impact or touches the lives of others. It's transformational process.

He runs personal mentorship programmes, events and gives talks inspiring people to live the ‘More of life’ that is filled with meaning and purpose.