Last weekend, I was beaming with pride as I heard about this singer take the stage.

She is not an international pop star or celebrity, she’s our 15 year daughter singing at, the Theatre Café in London.
She sang three songs to strangers with confidence, expression and had a ball. Nothing unusual about that really, just a 15 year old singing her heart out and enjoying herself!
But unless you know this story, you wouldn't understand how incredible this performance was to witness.
What make this particularly beautiful and special, is she has been struggling with her mental heath for a few years, really struggling. She’s been to dark places few could image, only those who have been there understand and know what that does to you.
Her passion is musical theatre and a dream of being on stage in the West End, performing and bringing joy to the audience. She’s used it as her focus to get through the dark times, singing and dancing in her bedroom, her sanctuary and rehearsal studio. It’s her reason why not to give in.
The night before, she and her mom watched Andrew Llyod Webbers ‘Cinderella’ performed by Carrie Hope Fletcher, who she admires and follows. Inspired by Carrie she decided to sing at the open mic event, she did, and smashed it. No medication, no panic attacks, no tears, no dramas, just performing with passion, joy and excitement – she was being herself and loving it!
As a dad there are no words to express the love and joy I felt listening to her share the experience. Her excitement was so infectious, and her smile was the biggest ever, she is healing.
It made me reflect on those I’ve helped to find their passions and bring them to life. I’ve seen these people also find themselves and create lives doing what they love. They too had big joyful smiles.
Like my daughter, there’s a time when the self-belief becomes stronger than the self-doubt. It’s embracing who you truly are, your authenticity, your passion, and taking action to make it real.
Our daughter shines when she’s pursuing her passion. Yes, she has knock backs, but she has learnt to pause and ask for help, but she doesn’t give up!
Your passion may not to be a budding West End performer, but inside, it’s calling you, a dream, an urge, a talent, a skill, and the bugger won’t go away! Or you know there’s something but uncertain exactly what ‘it’ is.
I can’t help you with your singing, but I can help you find and make your passion real.
It can be a big deal to ask for help, especially sharing something you’ve kept close to your chest, but there are times when we need to take a ‘courage pill’ and go for it!
I’m passionate about helping people live their passion and I would love to hear yours.
I’ve freed up my diary so we can chat. Find a date and time that suits you and let’s explore.
I can image your big joyful smile already!
Roy xx